Dictionary & Chat Terms
Browse our extensive poker dictionary below, or use the quick find indexes above or to the left to find the word you want. If there’s a word or phrase you think should be added please let us know.
- A Game
- A Team
- Ace High
- Aces and spaces
- Aces Full
- Aces Up
- Acey-Deucey
- Act
- Acting first
- Acting last
- Action
- Active
- Active player
- Add on
- Advertise
- Aggressive Player
- Ainsworth
- Ajax
- Alabama Night Riders
- Alaska Hand
- All Black
- All-in
- All-in bet
- All Red
- American Airlines
- Angle Shooter
- Ante
- Ante game
- Avatar
- Baby card
- Bad Beat
- Badugi
- Bank
- Bankroll
- Baskin Robbins
- bbl
- bbs
- Beat the board
- Beer Hand
- Belly Buster
- Best of it
- Bet
- Betting the pot
- Bettor
- Bicycle
- Big Chick
- Big bet
- Big blind
- Big Bobtail
- Big lick
- Big Slick
- Big bet game
- Bitches
- Blackjack
- Bleed
- Blinds
- blnt
- Blocky
- Blue, All Blue
- Bluff
- Board Cards
- Bobtail
- Bomber
- Book
- Bottom Pair
- br
- brb
- Bricks-and-mortar
- Bridge order
- Bring-in
- Broadway
- Broderick Crawford
- Broomcorn’s Uncle
- Bullets
- Bully Johnson
- Bump
- Bust
- Button
- Buy in
- Call
- Called hand
- Caller
- Calling Station
- Call the Clock
- Candy Canes
- Canine
- Can of corn
- Cap
- Cap the betting
- Capped
- Card
- Case card
- Case chips
- Cash Game
- Cashing Out
- Catch
- Change gears
- Chase
- Chat term
- Check
- Check blind
- Check raise
- Checked around
- Chip
- Chip dumping
- Click Raise
- Cloutier
- Cold Call
- Cold deck
- Collusion
- Columbia River
- Come hand
- Community cards
- Complete bluff
- Computer hand
- Counterfeited
- Cowboys
- Cowgirls
- Crabs
- Crippled deck
- Crying call
- Cut off
- Cut the pot
- cya
- Darth Vader
- Dead card
- Dead hand
- Dead in the pot
- Dead man's hand
- Dead money
- Dealer
- Dealers choice
- Dealt in
- Deal Twice
- Devil's hand
- Dimes
- Disconnect Protection
- Dog
- Dolly Parton
- Donkey
- Door Card
- Double belly buster
- Double down
- Double infinity
- Double pop
- Double through / double up
- Doyle Brunson
- Draw
- Drawing dead
- Draw lowball
- Draw out
- Drinking age
- Drop
- Ducks
- Deuces
- Duplicate
- Fido
- Field
- Fifth Street
- Fill
- Fill up
- First in
- Fishhooks
- Five and dime
- Five card draw
- Fish
- Five card stud
- Fixed limit
- Flat call
- Flat limit
- Flat tyre
- Flop
- Flop percentage
- Flopping a set / straight / flush
- Flush
- Flush draw
- Fold
- Forced bet
- Four of a kind
- Four color deck
- Four Pips
- Fourth street
- Four tits
- Fox Hunt
- Free card
- Freezeout
- Freezeout tournament
- Full Barn
- Full Boat
- Full House
- Full time job
- Paint
- Pair
- Pass
- Pat hand
- Pay off
- Peddle the nuts
- Pickle Man
- Picture cards
- Pineapple
- Pink, All Pink
- pl
- plo
- plo8
- Pocket pair
- Pocket rockets
- Posh gay waiter
- Position
- Positive expectation
- Post oak bluff
- Pot limit
- Pot odds
- Preflop
- Premium hands
- Presto
- Probability
- Prom night
- Protect
- Puppy Feet, Puppy Toes, Pups
- Pure nuts
- Put down
- Put someone on a hand
- Rack
- Rag
- Railbird
- Railroad hand
- Rainbow Flop
- Raise
- Raiser
- Rake
- Rapping pat
- Rat hole
- Raquel Welch
- Razz
- Read
- Rebuy
- Rebuy period
- Rebuy tournament
- Represent
- Reraise
- Reverse bridge order
- Reverse implied odds
- Ring game
- River
- Rock
- Roger that
- Rolled up
- rofl
- Rough
- Rounders
- Route 66
- Royal flush
- Royal Marriage
- Royalty
- Runner-runner
- Running pair
- Rush
- Satellite
- Sandbag
- San Francisco Busboy
- Scare card
- Scoop
- sd
- Second nuts
- Second pair
- Selling a hand
- Semi bluff
- Set
- Seven stud
- Seven Card Stud
- Seven card stud hi/lo
- Seven card stud high-low
- Seven card stud split
- Seven card stud eight or better
- Seventh street
- Shark
- Sheriff
- Shills
- Short
- Short call
- Shorthanded
- Short stack
- Showdown
- Shut out
- Side pot
- Sit and Go
- Sixth street
- Sixthed
- Slow play
- Slot Machine
- Small bet
- Small blind
- Smooth
- Smooth call
- Snapped off
- sng
- Snow hand
- Snow men
- Solid
- Speeding around
- Speed limit
- Split
- Split pair
- Split-pot game
- Split pot
- sry
- ss
- Stack
- Steal
- Steam
- Steel wheel
- Stragglers
- Straight
- Straight draw
- Straight flush
- Straight flush draw
- Strong
- stu
- Stuck
- Stud
- Stud H/L
- Sucker
- Suit
- Suited
- Suited connectors
- Swing hand